Saturday, July 27, 2013

One granddaughter second tatted bonnet

 Made this sweet bonnet with larger thread size 20, her new born bonnet was size 80.  Now that she is older a durable stronger size is nice too.  My daughter acclimated her to wearing  hats and bands by keeping her in those pretty bands since she was born. I was amazed. she kept the bonnet on very long time. I was unhappy my children didn't like hats and I see that I never got them used to them from the start.
Bonnets that are tatted are very light, and a lot or babies don't mind them The dress has some tatting on the pockets and bought the collar on E bay a while ago, I do admire all kinds of lace.    
Little Daphne came this summer with her brother and mom and we all had a wonderful time. Her mom say's this makes a great 4th of July outfit cause she looks like Betsy Ross, the woman with creative talent to make the American Flag.  She impressed them all with her quick and easy way to cut out a 5 pointed star.  If you have the want to make the bonnet it goes by faster than you think all the netting goes by quickly and a doily for the back.  I used a Bonnet that was sewn and very plain for the size I wanted, and laid the one shuttle strip at the front across the fabric bonnet.  This was fun and easy to do that when I was done I made a second with the size 80 after a purchased a new born size bonnet.  And a third pink one.  (Buying a pattern would have worked to Ha Ha)
 This is the collar from bought for outfit.
 Hard to see but this is strip that the shuttle is on, then I tat that to the little piece at top by counting and dividing spaces on strip with available picots on back of head piece.  (pink in size 80)    
 This is closer view of the strip sorry I was selling shuttle and this can be distracting (That large tatting by fish tail was on of my first tatting I ever did part of an angel unfinished). 
The size 80 bonnet, later when on baby I took a tuck and stitched it down just where ribbon goes at bonnet bottom edge. This fitted it more to her head but this could have been done just when weaving ribbon in too.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What to do with all those little tatted motifs

Make beautiful tatted organza bags for tatting or projects or gifts etc.

I did order some from eBay just make sure 4X8 inches no smaller for tatting bags to fit projects 

some I messed up on, and added a pretty flower

I turned inside out and add " frey check" the bag seams so they last a while, not to tatting it makes to harder to stitch down.

I start and sew the motif on when bag is inside out.

Do not place motif on bag too high up or in middle  of bag

place in center and low on bag this looks much better when bag is closed.
Find a card stock paper to place in bag, so you do not go both sides of the bag.

You can use 2 or three pins to hold motif down as you turn the bag inside out. Hopefully these tips can help you if you haven't tried this already.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Christmas in July

 Try spicing up old snowflake patterns with Josephine Knots. 
                   Keep in mind everywhere you have a chain you can add a elegant Josephine Knot.
                                          If you want one on a ring make it a false mock ring.
 I have a You tube demo of Josephine Knot  they are easy to do just make them very loose for that big dot look I am" Madtatter80" channel on you tube.                          
                                  I think these knots look like a different kind of lace altogether.