Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lacy Hearts for Febuary

I love this little heart called "Sadie's Heart" by Dusenbury 
I finished the pretty little heart Called "Classic Heart" by Robbin and started the latest spring doily too!

And sock number two is on it way.
I forgot to mention that winding the yarn in a ball and keeping it in a bowl is also very helpful even though most of you know this, if your new at knitting this helps.
Have a great next couple days, keep your projects going smiles from Carollyn!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Tatting Lace and Knitting

Well it is still Sunday so I worked on my calligraphy with scriptures, and working on Robin's Classic Heart Pattern seems to go right along with the scripture too!
Below is inside out!
The sock got finished yesterday and I sewed it together. So my thread turned out to be thicker and I reduced the rows on the foot part to make it smaller but this leaves the sock too tall.  Years and years ago I was into making porcelain dolls.  and I never put the last one together so I tried it on this dolls leg is supposed to be official baby size 3 months.

Well I just rolled down the top and started the next one
I know this expert lady that lives here in town and she told me to just make one at a time till I felt comfortable and now I see why. I also took notes so even though they are not perfect they will still be close to the same in looks 
Hope your Sunday was a wonderful day and this rest of the week finds you healthy and strong too!


Friday, January 26, 2018

Toying With My Heart, and an Idea Too

I had an idea with this one shuttle heart pattern I've made for a couple of years, and here goes!

I did the normal thing with glue to make it more stout, adding glue and little water and dip and pat dry.

Pinning out to dry and then....

Then a little natural weaving just to see what it would be like.
Stay tuned more possibilities in the future!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dream Time with Completed Doily, Plus Knitting Suprize!

Remember these old things?  My grand daughter (she is 6) is getting a new bedroom and is carefully planning out the decorations and so.... I wanted to give the one on the right to her, but how to display this?   Of course, Pinterest always comes in handy.
So stay tuned as the pink one becomes a dream catcher.
using this quilting frame as a ring :) 

Now for all my Knitting friends, yes you have encouraged me so much with the desire to knit and this is rare for me, I had to reminded myself how I used to knit or learned to in High School. so a quick trip to You tube and away we go.

So far I have unraveled this three times but this is going to be for my  latest grandson that is in utero so wish me speed and skill, the baby shower will be less than a month away and to think I have to make two the same!

I bought this pattern cause this babies legs are adorable in the picture.
have a wonder day, hugs from Carollyn 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Tatting Edgings. Frivolite, Sukkulapitsi, Schiffchenarbeit, Toturr, Occhi, Makouk

Card holder  # 5 finished.

Then another one started in upper middle.
I was also started the trim this morning and I wish you could see it in person, they are also morphing into a Victorian looking then Native American.
Another T tat I it A and S see tease as we await :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Another One Compleated, And TIAS Tease # Tatting Lace #Occhi #frivolite

Well got the edging sewn on this one and yes I started another :)

Some blue flowers ( this makes #5 gave one away).  Pervious
post for detailed directions

I do use stitches to outline my working area so I don't go over!

Yes here is the beginning  of Jane's TIAS and this time I have a plan about the white, stay tuned and enjoy!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

"How To" Credit Card Holders, and Tatting Lace Beading Tips!

This makes number 3 complete, I figure I am getting good at this so  thought I would share a more accurate "how to" below

2 and 3/4 inch ribbon is perfect for business or credit cards and felt  for liner, cut larger to fold over  raw cut edges at tops.
I learned that these credit card cases really do protect your credit cards from being read from your purse, and can be ordered from eBay or Amazon in bundles of 8.  

Wrap and cut your ribbon to size by folding over a card with 1/4 inch to spare. Make a design, and stitch down.

I tack down (stitching I will remove later) the felt and cut apart the liner protector for cards cut to fit a curve of your choice  that you cut to reach card, and insert protectors.  Like below

Stitch down sides, note room left to put more than one card in, and that felt does not go all way to bottom, so this will not be bulky.

Now for the tatted edging is all that is needed  cause this is a tatting blog mainly :) below is a great tip for tatting with beads.

Because I love to go too fast sometimes or most of the time I make mistakes :) and after stringing all the beads on I don't feel like taking them all off to correct my huge mistake so as long as you can place string at least a foot into the trash can
you can take pliers that have flat sides and crack off that little big mistake.
the beads are glass hints the trash can for the broken bits and be gentle with cracking and do not twist string.  You don't want to fray the string for you have tatting to do with it.

My colors are different in the fabrics and so I changed color thread when sewing down and this helps hide stitches. 

Also Felt is very forgiving when stitching down things you and hide knots well in felt too.
Well that is it for today and have fun with what ever you are making
Hugs from Carollyn.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Tatted Square Plus Edging Decided.

Yes another square, and then I think they should be sent off to get there in time.
This pattern is Ninetta and scroll down one from her beautiful roses to get a great size 40 square
she said to change 3ds to 4 and 6 to 8 and it works fine. 

Yes this is what I am using except the tatting thread is showing up a bit light but very happy with this one.
Have a great week end All!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

More With Beads and Tatting Card Holders

Having fun with beads and tatting

I struggle with the color it is more rich than this.

this was made with two separate pieces of tatting!

Now there are two.  The first one is size 40 and the second is size 20.
Have make a third one.
Have fun creating today!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Pinterest, Native beading with tatting

This was my plan with my edging. 
I tried to follow a North American (Woodlands) tribe
called the "Ojibwe", although there are many tribes that use the flower patterns.
It is a card holder, and I also found that ribbon that is 2 and 3/4 inch wide is great cause the ends are finished on the sides
this is lined with felt and holds cards very well. 
in case you forgot the purple edging with the mango :)
I did not get pictures as I progressed but I did start another one and have been taking better how too pictures with the next one.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Another square to add to Marilees and Janes patterns

Cant help but try to make a pattern so Canarithy's Womans Rights Project will be contributed by women all over the world. I do believe that women should be able to vote. Also that women are equal helpmates with men. I do not believe in same sex marriage. I do believe that no one should be mentally or physically hurt for their sexual preferences. I believe that Marriage is ordained of God and between man and woman. Hopefully this belief will still  manifest as equal rights if not, I will not send in my squares
I did not intend this to argue just making a statement
and hope Canarithy will explain
her definition.

Friday, January 5, 2018

More little Gifts and 2 projects started 2

Well Margaret also sent me a hand made wonderful card with a hankie and thread she must know it is the one thing I have yet to tat! My friends are talented I do repeat!
Thank You for also brightening my Christmas time!

Oops I forgot these are the first two squares and one with the mistakes but the picots will line up.  So I will be sending off it when I finish a couple more!
Hear Ye Hear Ye! 

Finally, I have been tatting a project that works perfectly for 2and 1/2 inch ribbon.
I like this picture because the color is showing up perfectly.
Its from Handy Hands and Lizbeth color #641 in size 40
have a great day! 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Gift From New Zealand

Just in Time to make a wonderful Christmas Day, from very far away, New Zealand
I have said it before I love and appreciate my artistic friends.
Lee is a expert in Stitch embroidery 
among other things.
she has a blog called "Notes From Under the mountain"

At first I thought I saw the stitched bird in brown,
then realized the outlined bird 
was not a printed fabric 
Yes, this was stitched too!

Opening these beautiful closers is grand because there is even more
stitching with words "birds of beauty the sky is your home, just spread your wings and fly high"
And if that isn't enough there is more!

Stitching and gifts!

And another stitch painting
Thank You, now I have the honor or owning a useable piece of art.
I carried this around and caringly showed everyone on Christmas day!
How did she know that I have a board on Pinterest
called "needle books"