Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Pinecones by Ben Fikkert, Progressing

13 Years ago when this pattern was created, different parts of the world had different ways of writing out patterns.  His is unusual to what I am used to, and requires study.   I do like how he explains a measurement called "unit", calling it a length of a double stitch.
Contemplating this is very smart and anyone could adapt his pattern to there thread if they didn't have same size thread. 
He explains that the bare threads areas are so many units long.

Got some new shuttles too, from Shuttles by Design My husband did a great job ordering these fabulous gifts, and letting me chime in on what I wanted  they are wonderful and well made. Thank you to both I have more and will show them as I go :)
I am very happy , have a great day all!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

What Was Stopping Me? Was The Start!

To replicate this is tricky and from the start, wow!
This little beauty is called "Pinecones" from the book called
Tatting Adventure by Ben Fikkert I also wanted to reduce it to one knot instead of two and not cut ends like above.

After about three of these I was successful and pinned out with my hairspray trick below.

Finally passed that hurdle
I have wanted to try is for years and so glad to make it to this point :)
Now I can calm down and have at least two projects going at same time, at least:)   

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Spring Doily Progress

This time I change colors so much I don't have to do any jumping to next round, I like thinking what color comes next and so tatting along with the release time is great for me.

This last round was from our wonderful  Marilee  and I think snowflake is the name. Before that, was an over the counter sewing  thread (I said that like it was flu season)

I have done this  before with the King tut thread, they seem to work out and lay flat even though I think the thread is tad smaller than 80. Look close the light pink is a tad smaller and stretched out. 
If you use sewing thread I would recommend 100% cotton mercerized. There is even some Buttonhole thread that seems to be size 20 and it is great when you want a color, in a pinch and cant wait for an order.
Which is what I have decided I will do for next round, cause I don't have the right shade of blue.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Merimaid Milly Painting

I decided to tat in white, and paint the colors on, No matter way Jane's "Tat And See" was. I could use colors accordingly. 
Hopefully Janemactats doesn't mind me using the name Milly it is a cute name :)

I used size 10 thread for the hair

Start with acrylic paint and water down, this is very permanent 
I used to tie dye, it will not wash out.

I couldn't wait so blotted dry.  Some color bleeding when on, but not too bad  

I did both sides.

I actually made a mistake in the beginning of tatting her for I thought the shuttles that were already laced with thread were same size but one was 40 and the other was 20 but she seems okay especially to experiment on anyway!
I actually have more ideas for her will is if I get round to it.
Like that beautiful Clam shell that is a free pattern floating around in cyberspace.
Thank you Jane for the fun!
Have great week all.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Dady Daughter Dance With Tiny Tatting In Hair :)

The pictures turned out great her dad is taking a class and so we have a great treat :)

They Printed these tickets out for the Dance

There were snacks and look at those smiles!
A Red carpet too.
 To all the volunteers that made a very special day, Thank You :) 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Delicate Heart Idea

I got an idea long ago when Carolyn from Shopping My Stash posted and sent me a tatted heart around paper. I also remember  Margaret from Margarets Designer Cards, every   once in a while complains, about some tatting,                                                                                                                                ( like one shuttle tatting) being so fidgety at times. 

Feeling EXPERIMENTAL I decided to try punch holes in a card stalk heart as evenly as I could.
I found it a dream to tat on with fine thread no Fidgeting around! So Now what I was trying to see if removing the paper afterwards would work.



Size 80 was delicate I knew it would need better support but really didn't want to tat any more and realized  not tatting inside would be back to fidgety :(  This was flimsy, what to do?
I could do the filet lace like Ninetta on her blog at times, but realized I don't know how to do that, and no time. 
Beads I added Beads :) it really helped and little hair spray :)

End result

I also changed my mind again and instead of changing colors I am going to stick with the one I got :) more on this next week.
Have a great Day

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tatted Lace To Embelish As Always

The last heart was made in to another card holder, it seemed to fit nicely.
The flowers were made in one night.  When I got an emergency call from daughter on a needed hair accessories.
I had no time for pictures and had to get them in the mail for an upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance
But they arrived today (quicker than expected). 
They are not black they are navy blue with silver beads not sure phone captured this color well.

With gum in mouth, this made a great after school surprise in the mail.  I saved the little frame from a year ago, I mess up on it by not adding enough rings on the bottom, it was exact same thread as the flowers and was able to make it a special looking gift with it.
I will be receiving more pictures after the little dance with dad on Saturday.
Stay Tuned.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Dream Catcher Tatted Heart for Febuary

It is a very tiny one like an ornament, had fun buying the tiny tassels  Hobby Lobby, but will make them next time with a bead crimper like they did.
stiffened with white school glue.

After a day of playing or tatting or watching someone else tat, it really  does make you sleepy.
Leana looks like an exotic princess below. 

No bigger than a shuttle I'd say.
Finished that other sock would you believe :) and knitting is harder than tatting :) or harder for me to keep count at the least! 
Of to make miniature dream catchers 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Why Knot?

Another Spring doily with Renulek join the fun! The back ground is for you Knot Vortex I picked one of her threads for a pervious Spring doily :)

Ice Drop Madness, Omitting Josephine Knots
I had the thread on the shuttles with beads from another project and  thought why knot? :)
So I realized why I have not been doing drops more often?
And now I remembered it was because I bought a huge bag of the wrong size . So off to Hobby Lobby, again I go, and armed with the 40% off coupon on my app and got these gems instead.
This time it was fun taking my tatting with the almost finished product (like Jane at Janemactats blog suggested from  Nicola Bowersox's patterns)  to the store with me to see colors. 

So When reading over the basic pattern to make Hexie, I realized lacelovinlibrarian aka Diane, suggested that  if gem is too small you could put in hot water to snug it down, so I did and pinned it out.
Have a wonderful weekend, and more heart strings projects coming soon :)