Monday, September 14, 2015

Jan Strawasz Progress and a Pinterest Suprise

Well it is starting to go faster once I memorize the numbers after the 3rd one repeat. 

It is getting so large can't take picture of details  with out loosing part of the doily.

I have fun on Pinterest, and sometimes I pin fast and then return later to get a better look, I found this pretty parasol had to pin it and when I returned to get a better look.....
I recognized the famous Jan Stawasz  Monster 

doily !!!! or Large napkin.
Look Close
So now there is another suggestion for all who don't know what to do with it when finished! 
 The magazine is called "Moje Robotki" in polish this means My needle work, for it has many kinds of fiber arts in it.
I wonder who did this one ?  :)


  1. Your doily is coming along fabulously!!! :)
    Wow! That is a very unique idea to put a doily to use!! :)

    1. Yes a white one for a wedding with this style, or for Pairs maybe :)

  2. Superb !
    The parasol is gorgeous :-)

    1. I do think the parasol is pretty It reminds me of an old movie I loved as a child Marry Poppins at the fair :)

  3. Yours is looking wonderful and the other one is just plain funny! : ))

  4. Yea, I guess I have to make a pretty brown dress and spin around with my doily /umbrella for a photo shoot, I am sure I will feel like it when I finally finish! ha ha ha :) In real life, I think this parasol would be best at a wedding

  5. Your is coming along well! I've never had the guts to start a really huge doily like that, as I am not convinced I would ever finish it.

    The parasol is really pretty. I agree with you that it would probably work best as a wedding accessory. For practical use, I would think a lace parasol would need some sort of solid lining to actually be effective. Here in New Mexico, people do sometimes carry regular umbrellas to keep the sun off.

    On the other hand, I understand that during the Victorian Era, a parasol could have other uses besides mere sun protection. A young lady might twirl or fold her parasol in certain ways to send coded messages to her suitor without her parents noticing. (Fans and handkerchiefs too, of course.) You'll have to study up on this!

    1. OK, so I have to admit I got curious about my own comment and did some googling myself. Apparently, parasol signals actually pre-date the Victorian Era, and the history of the parasol itself is also kind of interesting (at least, it is if you're trying to to stay awake at work at 1:00 a.m.). There's a nice summary at

      And if you really want to study the different ways Victorians could subtly flirt with each other (though I have a hard time believing that balancing your fork against the edge of a cup would have gone unnoticed by one's fellow diners), you can spend quite a lot of time at

    2. I have heard of these messages with the parasols briefly, when collecting hankies read about the meanings of messages with those too. I am fascinated with all of it, because I would be giving the wrong message I am sure ha ha ha, I will look up the sight you just posted sounds funny and intriguing like spies :)

    3. Oops, the second link should have been

  6. Wow, that parasol is a fantastic way to show off the doily! I must admit that I'm not very good with Pinterest. I joined but forget to use it. I must make more effort, obviously.

    1. I have fun, with Pinterest cause it reminds me of scrap-booking my mother did, where she cut out pictures that she liked and glued them in a book and used as inspiration and in a way told about her. I have done this with magazines but now a days it's on line and there is more pictures to choose from :)

  7. Jan Stawasz...great creator. Nice that you're writing about his projects - gorgeous doily

  8. Es ist schön die Fortschritte Ihrer Arbeit zu sehen. Der Schirm sieht toll aus.

  9. Oh my word, this is just stunning! I love it!

  10. Lovely parasol perhaps they just didn't know what else to do with it. Yours is looking lovely. I must pick mine up again.

    1. Oh I thought yours was finished cause I know your further along than me!

  11. I made this one. I'm almost finished with row XVII and will soon start with the last row.

  12. Your big doily is wonderful, you're so courageous !!! Will you make another parasol ? It is such a good idea... <3

    1. I think it is a good idea, but not sure the size thread I use would work at size 40.


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