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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tatting by the Bay's new Snowflake Book

Sorry it's been a very long time since last post.  I am struggling with my phone and the new formatting they have for my blog.  Hopefully I can get more than one picture on here. I have test tatted for Robin's new book called "Four Dozen Snowflakes" they are all unique, beautiful and fun to make these are size 80 thread.  Her patterns are wonderful as always.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Queen of Hearts

I order these little faces and painted the lips and eyeshadow then glued her onto felt. Making hair with yarn and French knots. Then,finding so tatting I almost throughout. I wanted to try one of these out for her collar.,thiThis tatting I will use for her. It was a snowflake that I messed up the stitch count and I will carefully cut off the other parts of tatting I cant use. Then stitch under her neck.

               It's been a while,  been busy and working on using my tatting in projects lately. Also not tatting at all.😃

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Three Green Doilies

Remember this well its the last one of the three doilies.
This Final doily of the three made for my daughter's home.
This picture is alittle closer up view of above her piano.
This is the front hallway area with 2 doilies already framed above my lovely granddaughter.  She also takes violin aswell.
The colorful doily was made 2017. I live this book it's got many beautiful fun patterns and very affordable price too.
Have a wonderful day. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

More Tatting Lace

Blackbeary is modeling the latest round done in the 2020 Renulek's spring doily

My daughter sent a picture of the tatted bracelet in peach.
The doily is now getting too big for the larger board 😃
I found using a large needle works best to send the ring thread through the ribbon flower.
Have a lovely day tat away💐

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bracelets With a Victorian Charm

I can't remember the name of the color, I want to say dark linen or dark ecru.

I can make one in little over a movie.

Peach is nice too.

Here is all three.  I have gotten faster at pulling the thread through the silk flower.

Deciding what clasp to use is not easy, but I have decided I like tatting them on better than adding them later
I hope I can stop making them I'm nuts about it.😃
The pattern is by lazydaisy the link is a couple of posts back.  Thank you lazy Daisy on Instagram.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Time for More Bracelets In Different Colors

Using silk flowers like beads is fun pattern on previous post😃🦋😃have a great tatting day tatting away💮💐💮