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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Progress on Jan Stawasz doily

Once you get a momentum going with these little flowers it's fun to grow them😃🌱😃

I finally started the next round and also enjoying the split rings that encase the little posies in💐😃💐
Have a wonder day
Tatting away😁

Monday, February 10, 2020

Renulek 2020 doily, Round 4 💐

Now I can wait for the next round😁

It snowed in Georgia and you have to take a picture cause it's gone the next day
My granddaughter 

My grand sons, but not all of them😁

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Renulek 2020 spring doily

In the beginning 

Round 2


And I did finish this round but don't have a picture with me🙁

This picture is so pretty,  it has some colors I have chosen , I noticed some of my favorite  thread dyeing friends use nature for inspiration and this one works for me😁 what do you use when tatting💐

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Starting 2nd Doily and Jan Stawasz Wins Again 💐

This doily came to me as I was working on the first doily, and I am really liking this. These flowers are fun to do💐

 Jan Stawasz gives measurements (in metric) and its helpful, cause I have to fit them in an 8 inch frame. With size 80 thread😃

Well this was the only picture I took at the beginning so this is all i got
Have a great tatting day take care🦋