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Friday, April 12, 2013

Well I finally finished writing out instructions for my Strawberry Pouch and want to sell instructions for $4.00  I can down load to a PDF file or mail them to you. There are so many uses for these small pouches and here are some to name a few: Tooth fairy holder (fits under pillow) and can be put onto a necklace.  A friend of mine from Belgium is going to put it on her Chatelaine she is making. She will put her rings in it. That's so going to be my next project.
This one above is very light pink and made to look faded Victorian I tied a bee bead to it.
This one is made with beautiful gold beads for a royal look.  The camera flash kinda lightened the beads and you could see coin underneath strawberry and made it look not as good as in person.
They are fun to make and doesn't take very long because bag is so small. I included tips and pictures and a diagram I drew out. 


  1. Dear Carollyn the beauty of this strawberry pouch is beyond words. Thank you for selling the pattern. I will try it soon. I like you little bee as well. Here in Belgium, we are doing great conservation efforts for our little bees, bcause they pollinate our crops. Strangely, they died out in the countryside ,but are really thriving in the cities. I had a beehive (and honey) in one of my chimneys!

    Enjoy the summer!


    1. Oh that's is a problem here in the United states too. I saw a special show on TV, and scientist are working very hard to solve the problem. We all love those hard working bees and use must be blessed to have them visit you. Although you may have to call someone to remove them and give them a different home if they are bothering you, I saw a man on TV that said if hive gets to big the start a new one with a new queen. Maybe the like your flower garden that appeals to more than me.

  2. Where do you sell the pattern for the bag? - on Etsy?

  3. What is your email? I have it as a PDF file for $4US and I can bill you through PayPal so there's no shipping :)

  4. If that too much trouble I will post a buy it now on ebay for 4$ hopefully tonight

  5. I'd love to have it! - and my email is on the Blogger ID, if you click on my name.

  6. Thanks for the instructions I even struggled with that for a bit ha ha ha I think I sent you an email please check.

  7. My pattern came through with no problems - mine will be a pink strawberry! - ( of course) I'm going to look for a little teddybear or fairy charm to attach to it.

  8. Oh that's sounds fun. If you can send me a picture. My daughter is 25 and put one on a long necklace made with the beads in berry. With some of the later ones i made I put elastic thread and then tied the bow to that so I wouldn't have to retie the bow if that make any sense yet. they seem little hard to get started at first but once you get hang of it you will probable make more than one. I would use size 20 thread if I forgot to mention that. I did use that size 8 and the bag came out larger too.

  9. That is just adorable!! That would look so cute with the strawberry necklace and earring set I make.

  10. I just love the stawberry necklace that she made me it's so darn cute. The bag is small but if your busy doing stuff like getting dirty or doing dishes you can put your earings or rings in the sweet strawberry pouch. And also another hit for storing stuff you can be a huge hit. I was watching my niece one day and I put those strawberry candies in pouch and my niece that was so neat.

  11. I'd also love to have the pattern. I know this post is from last year but I'm hoping you still get my message. If so please send me a bill to Paypal using


    1. sorry I did not check my sight and my email is

  12. If possible, i like to have this pattern, my paypal adress is ans you can send the pdf at the same adress

  13. Love your strawberry pouch !!! How innovative, & practical at the same time :-)

  14. Yes please, I'm standing in line for the pattern as well. Just to sweet. I have three granddaughters who would love one, not to mention myself. lol. I have to let the child within out to play as well. I'll be back on line on Monday my time to organize payment. So glad I found your blog again to ask about the bunny shuttles. So you will have my email address already. Love your stuff. Heaps. Thank you for sharing

  15. Your strawberry pouch is too cute!!! I'd love the pattern also. My email is
    clawecki@ gmail. com

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Can I also purchase the Strawberry Pouch PDF pattern? My email is

  18. I would love to purchase a copy of this pattern! My email is

  19. I would also like this pattern. My email is

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. My email is tennbrown then put @ sign in and then

  22. hello:
    How can I buy your strawberry pattern?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. my paypal email is

  24. Hello Carolyn. I love your strawberry pouch and would love to buy the pattern. My email address is Thanks

  25. I would like to purchase the strawberry pouch pattern. My email is Thank you so much.

  26. HI I want buy your pattern
    My email
    I can use paypal Thank very much

  27. Please contact me through my email I don't always check this page strawberry pouch is 4.00

  28. I've tried contacting you twice through the email address you list above and received no answer. I am interested in purchasing your Strawberry Pouch pattern. My email is KeetaraPrime at gmail dot com. Thank you.

  29. Hi Carolyn,
    Today I found your Strawberry pouch. I fell in love with it. I would like to purchase. You r pattern. My email address is Thank you for sharing your designs! Rita T.


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