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Saturday, March 7, 2015

What became of The Wash Cloth?

Remember the Victorian wash cloth, I found a princess that loved playing with and using it :)click on this for pattern remember to scroll down a little bit !

It works, and my granddaughter made me happy, the way she carried it around and treated this very special :)

Next round done, but if you look close (on left side), I didn't realize till I took picture...

 my thread was tainted what horror, and it's on inside of ball every so often.

I lost the label and don't know who's thread it is or where it came from but spent the rest of day cutting it out.  It kinda looks like rust, but not from where a pin was stuck in it, it goes deeper on the other side in some spots.  This really broke my heart and have to get over it :(

Over half done and this round is easier than last!  It is down right fun. 


  1. Arggghhhh! You got the tainted thread! So sorry!

    Love the washcloth - What a cutie-pie.

    Big one looking marvellous... : )

    1. Most of the time I tat in dim light and so this is why it went so unnoticed. My granddaughter really studied this piece and carried it with her all day, It was a good feeling. Thanks

  2. How sweet to have someone so young treasure your tatting!!! :)
    I hope there's enough good thread to finish your bonnet!!
    Your doily is looking so beautiful!!! :)

    1. Me too I will have to go to all kinds of places to find something that matches.
      Thanks so much :)

  3. How aggravating! All that work to have to take out. Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy having the granddaughter like that (beautiful) washcloth so much? Love that colorful doily. It is getting quite large.

  4. Thank You, and yes it makes me happy she loved it.

  5. Oh, the wash cloth has such a warm cozy lovable home :-)

    Is there no way to get rid of the spots .... Some washing procedure (a localised spot check) that might work? Of course, if it is a gift, then one does need it to be perfect. Hope you find a good solution.

    1. I was wondering if I should try to bleach it out, not really sure what it is , but it does look like it is from the manufacturer. Of course I will try that first before cutting.

  6. Occhi is so wonderful handicraft!
    Hug Crissi

  7. The cute and lovely story of the washcloth and its princess, it cheered you up after that "drama"! I quite dislike white thead, too much delicate and look how you lay that beautiful coloured doily on the ground? But white has a certain appeal, I hope you have sufficient thread, it's lovely.

    1. Yes, you are right, I do not work with it very much and have a little black dog too but I can go over any tatting with tweezers and take a black hair out.

  8. Molto belli i tuoi lavori! Tuo nipote è un bimbo meraviglioso!

  9. Your granddaughter is clearly a person of good taste! Could you overdye the doily when it's finished? With tea perhaps? How very annoying after all the work you have already put in.

    1. That is a really good idea if, If i can not get it out, I will do that, I do like the aged look that a tea stain would give it!

  10. How frustrating to find out the thread is marked. hope there's enough to finish. Your large doily is so pretty, and getting huge. Ah, how sweet your DGD is, and what a good feeling that she loved your tat!

    1. It really is she made me very happy, carefully looking at it, I am so going to teach her how to tat :)

  11. What a shame to find a stain on the thread, I agree with Jane perhaps a little dye might cover the bits. So frustrating I feel so sorry after all the work you put in.
    Your mat is looking so colourful and lovely.
    Your grand daughter has good taste she will be a tatter too one day.

  12. Oh that is a nice thing to say, and I agree that she has excellent taste too :)

  13. You are tatting that Spring Doily so fast - looks great! It is a nice pattern. Love the washcloth story and that sweet entertainer of yours. The little ones always make me smile.

  14. This wash cloth is an amazing idea!
    I am always thinking about how to use one or another tatted piece, it is a perfect choise! Where did you find the pattern?

  15. I posted it a while ago and should have done it again here it is
    you need to scroll down a little bit


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