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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Tatted Lace Plans and Progress

I keep my mistakes with tatting and then try to use them. This mistake is forming an idea for a journal cover or purse  or something along with this brooch. Got to sleep on it more.  
I love the old tatted lace books and in some of them they use ric rac and trimmings along with tatting I found this trim on ebay and am excited to recreate one of these patterns for fun.  More to sleep on to figure out which pattern 
Showing progress on Rose and Thistle doily, and on new 2017 Renulek's Spring Doily row two click here 

Here in Tennessee we have mild winters and the temperature go up to 70 for a week or two, and look what I found
Asparagus.  I got to eat him or cover him up in a while, because there will be more cold weather, I am sure of it.
Happy Tatting
Blog you Later


  1. Pretties !!!! Make sure you don't fall into the Sleeping Beauty time-scale ;-P We'll be waiting to see what you spin for us 🌹🌹🌹🌹

  2. Love the 'Dust Proof' on the box! What do you think makes it dust proof?

    1. You know I was wondering that myself, maybe someone else knows😦

  3. We all notice something different... Warranted 4 yards caught my eye! It will be fun to see what you do with that beautiful brooch!

    1. You know I wonder if if was translated from German and got a couple things off a bit. That is strange you got a good eye, I read it but didn't think on it.

  4. I love your idea of that beautiful piece of lace with that brooch!! :)
    Neat looking trim! :)
    I love your Thistle Doily!!!!! :)
    Looks like you are off to a great start on the new Spring Doily too!!! :)
    We up here in Michigan have had an awful mild winter and it's been near the 60's here, but we are expecting snow Saturday.

    1. I do worry about odd weather and now that I recall in years pasted you have posted many snowy scenes 😦

  5. I love your rose and thistle doily looking very pretty
    I like your idea for the odd piece of tatting, and it will be interesting see if you can work out the lace, which I don't think is tatting but bobbin lace.
    We are in the throws of storm Doris and she's given the UK a big kick today.

    1. Of that is sad for your weather and I remember your horrible flooding a while back 💟

  6. I like those old books too. I collect Workbasket Magazine and have them back into 1942. Some of those old patterns still tat up nicely today. I agree with Jane's comment. What is making it dust proof?

    1. You are so lucky to have them, they are a treasure for so many of the fiber arts they are great to have. Yea after I posted them I realize so many odd things about the packaging 😄💟😄


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