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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tatting Lace Dandelion Update

Well finished this round and started the next.
Then trimmed my roses and wish you could smell this lovely basket smells
Well it does make a good back drop to show the next row in tatting.

More Coloring and vase with white cherubs, that I got at the church rummage sell for 75 cents.

The weather is very gorgeous lately, this current row will be mixed with the pink thread on the every other ring (little hard to see). 


  1. That doily is absolutely stunning already!!! :)

    1. Thanks, I feel I have used these colors before 😊🌹😊

  2. Beautiful! I love the delicate look, and you certainly have a flair for photographing it in a very appealing way!

  3. Thanks I am having fun with it😄💟😄

  4. delicate tatting, beautiful!

  5. Very beautiful colors for this wonderful centerpiece dear Carollyn! I like it and I would like smell the roses!
    have a good day

  6. Lovely delicate and beautiful mat coming up, love your pattern.
    Your roses look lovely but we have to wait at least another month before they will be out in our gardens, my lily of the valley were earlier this year and the cherry blossoms are just beginning to go over, they would last a bit longer if we did not have this cold blast of wind from the East.
    Love the vase it's amazing what you can pick up for next to nothing.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I loved viewing your lily of the Valley and interesting about your weather, we have parts of the country that are struggling with late spring too. I love a deal until I see tatting and it breaks my heart :(

  7. E' meraviglioso, hai fatto un ottimo lavoro!

  8. Beautiful, but seems to me very difficult, to keep the long lines in between the same length.. Dandelion, :) we call it "horseflower" :)
    And I can nearly smell the roses..


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