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Friday, April 19, 2019

Working on Pattern for Keys and Spring Doily Round

Well I have been working on patterns for the different styles of keys to tat around for "Tat Days" from the Tatting Corner
This isn't the one but it will go into my collection.
The bag was made years ago, but works as a great place for all the extra keys I will have left over :)

I thought I would be stressed out with the last round and knew from picture that the tatting would increase with round 9, but I am finding that making the first 2 repeats slowly really helps and I am flying through this round nine faster than 8.
Click for link in blue Renulek's "Spring Doily tat-a-long 2019

Forgive the messy area but most people don't get to see the stages of asparagus the lower ones are what you see at the store and the tall one is what keeps happening if let to keep growing! 

I will use the side ones in a frying pan with Easter Dinner
they keep coming up out of the ground all summer long. will keep you posted on the growth and how pretty and fluffy the plants get.  Have a wonderful day!


  1. Your keys are really clever. You’re making good progress on the Spring doily, way ahead of me, but I’m planning how to work round 9 in two colours. Enjoy your asparagus!

    1. Thanks for the compliment, this time I decided to gather colors together that I just liked and not think too long on how it goes together. I can tell yours is planned better than mine I love your so far.

  2. Fabulous key and bag!!! :)
    I love your doily colors!!!! :)

  3. I love that asparagus, doily and keys looking good.

  4. I so glad you like the asparagus I love plants just sometimes the don't like me🌿

  5. The key looks great. They are fun to tat around.

  6. Yes, I have seen some pretty ones on your blog too😊

  7. I absolutely love your keys! Cute bag and your doily is progressing rapidly 👍👌 Nice pics and write-up about asparagus 🌱

  8. Love the key pattern,
    I used to used Asparagus in my shop, it was sold in the market as greeny for the florist trade, once the crop was over they allowed the leaves to grow and then they had another selling crop to the florist tade.

  9. Maybe I should try this selling the asparagus that is. Have a great day😀


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