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Thursday, December 26, 2019

After Christmas practicing with new book

Hope your all well and happy, and enjoying your holidays.  I now am trying hanging clunies with my new book I received from Joanne Wagner,tatting exchange from Tatting Corner 
I  have wanted to try this for so long and love working on this.

This is the book that I referred to but that are other directions floating around out there I just got courage with her great explanation.  

I did get 2 more button snowflakes done
And in background is the initials made by ruth Perry aka Rozella Linden.
Well enjoy your tatting hand have a great day
Hugs from Carollyn 


  1. Great initials!! :)
    Fabulous snowflakes!!! :)

  2. Thanks when a practice works out great you wish you could do something with it but it will just go into practice book 😊

  3. Wow, I love those garden letters. Looks well worth mastering. As do your hanging clunies. Enjoy the learning process!

  4. Wow Carolyn, I love these new works! the clunies is a bobbin lace technique also!
    I wish you a very beautiful new Year!

  5. I have seen them in bobbin lace and wonder how they make them. Thank you 😃

  6. Looking forward to your Cluny patterns now that the practice is successful! Perhaps you will restart your flower series with this technique? 😍
    Love your snowflakes and the initials are stunningly elegant 💕🌹💕

    1. Thank you and yes on the flower idea 🌺❤🌺

  7. Love your button flakes and your garden initials are truly beautiful. I'm sure you will master the hanging clunies in no time at all.

    1. Yes I will and thanks for all the nice comments 😁❤😁

  8. Beautiful clunies, wow you have mastered the technique. I've not yet tried any hanging cluny, but the book, oh well it was posted by someone in Fb and then I found it in Amazon, result is that now is near me, the letters are fantastic! And Ruth Perry's tatting is impeccable!

  9. That's great news and I know you will do wonders with this book and go on to do more there are some YouTube sites that demonstrate this too🌺❤🌺

  10. I have been thinking about learning to tat, but always feel like I need another hobby about as much as I need another hole in my head.

    Just had to comment...seen you were from Knoxville. I had a Cumberland Gap mailing address where I grew up. Still think of Tennessee as home all these years later.

  11. I know, I have done many hobbies and art works and can sell many things off that i haven't gone back to in years. I also love how i can take tatting with me and dont mind waiting on things. Cumberland Gap is where I honed my tatting skills when I was camping😄


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